A complete guide: Septum piercing price, pain, healing, aftercare… Rosery Poetry
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A Complete Guide: Septum Piercing Price, Pain, Healing, Jewelry, Sizes, Aftercare…

Septum Piercings Go Way Back to Ancient History

Many consider septum piercings a new trend. In fact, they go back to ancient history. In Australia, aboriginal people wore septum nose piercings made of bone as far back as 44,000 B.C.

What Is a Septum Piercing?

Septum piercing price, pain, healing, aftercare...

Among all nose piercings, septum piercing is relatively common, especially among younger people. The piercing itself is placed right in front of where the septum cartilage begins, so the result is a piercing between your nostrils.

This is a suitable first piercing, as it isn't particularly painful. Healing time will depend on each individual person, though -- for some people, healing will be complete after 2-3 months. For others, it can take up to eight months.

You can use a wide variety of nose jewelry for septum piercings. The most popular ones are horseshoe barbells, septum clickers, captive bead rings, and plain rings.

You might hear some people refer to a septum piercing as a "bull nose piercing." Especially when it's done with a closed ring, this piercing does look a bit like the nose ring used on bulls.

Septum Piercing Placement

Where is the sweet spot for a septum piercing? A septum piercing doesn't technically go through the bone of your septum. Instead, it goes through the tissue right between the bone and the skin on the tip of your nose.

Septum Piercing Meaning

What does a septum piercing say about you? In more contemporary times, septum piercings have been linked to punk rock and other counterculture movements.

And while they have become increasingly common among the younger generations, septum piercings still indicate a desire to deviate from the norm.

In ancient times around the world, septum piercings have been used to show success in battle. They were sometimes even made from the leg bones of enemies! And in some Native American tribes, they marked a boy's passage into manhood.

A Complete Guide: Septum Piercing Price, Pain, Healing, Jewelry, Sizes, Aftercare…

Septum Piercing Price

How much is a septum piercing? Prices will vary widely based on location and the materials that you will be using. But a septum nose piercing will probably cost $30-$80.

Septum Piercing Pain Scale 1-10

How bad does a septum piercing hurt? This is a suitable first piercing, as it isn't particularly painful. A lot of people rate it as between a 2 and a 4 on the pain scale. But it's still something to be mentally prepared for. It will hurt, but only for a second or two.

Septum Piercing Healing

How long does it take a septum piercing to heal? Healing time will depend on each individual person, though -- for some people, healing will be complete after 2-3 months. For others, it can take up to eight months.

Septum Piercing Sizes

As shown below, the standard septum piercing size is 16 gauge (1.2 mm) for thickness and 8 mm (5/16") for diameter.

Septum ring sizes chart Gauge (Thickness) Diameter (Hoop size)
The standard size 16 gauge (1.2 mm) 8 mm (5/16")
Also available in 14 gauge (1.6 mm), 18 gauge (1 mm) 10 mm (3/8"), 12 mm (1/2")


What gauge is a septum piercing? Generally speaking, 16-gauge and 14-gauge rings or barbells are best for septum piercings.That being said, a good piercer will be able to look at your individual anatomy and help determine what gauge of jewelry works best for you. 


Septum rings come in many different diameters, but the recommended hoop size is 5/16"(8mm) and 3/8"(10mm). A good piercer can help you determine what diameter is best for your anatomy and the look you're trying to achieve.

Common Types of Septum Piercing Jewelry

You can use a wide variety of nose jewelry for septum nose piercings. The most common ones are horseshoe barbells, septum clickers, captive bead rings, and plain rings.

You can also go with a fake septum piercing if you want to avoid the pain and risks of nose piercings.

1. The Most Common Septum Ring

Nose ring hoop 6mm 8mm 10 mm simple and minimalist hinged segment clicker Rosery Poetry

Nose ring hoop 6mm 8mm 10 mm simple and minimalist $15.9, SHOP NOW.


  • They're less likely to become crooked
  • There are lots of options ranging from simple metal hoops to ornately jeweled rings
  • They usually remain securely in place


  • Complex hoops can be hard to close
  • Thin hoops can be bent very easily

2. Horseshoe Barbells

Titanium nose ring horseshoe barbell $18.9, SHOP NOW.

These barbells are sometimes called "horseshoe septum piercing" because they look like horseshoes. Their curves make them especially suitable for septum piercings.

  • The curved shape can make septum piercings more comfortable
  • They are available in a very wide variety of designs
  • They heal more slowly than straight barbells
  • They tend to be prone to migration or rejection

3. Septum Piercing Rings

Flower septum ring 16G gold and silver titanium with CZ stones daith piercing jewelry nose rings Ashley Piercing Jewelry

Flower septum ring 16G gold and silver titanium with CZ stones $24.9, SHOP NOW.

  • They're less likely to become crooked like curved barbells
  • There are lots of options ranging from simple metal hoops to ornately jeweled rings
  • They usually remain securely in place
  • Thin hoops can be bent very easily

4. Captive Bead Rings

16 gauge captive bead nose ring made of implant grade titanium $18.9, SHOP NOW.

Others are what's called "captive bead rings." These are rings that are "sealed" with a bead. Sometimes, the bead is inlaid with a gem to add some visual interest.

5. Septum Clickers

Diamond nose ring 16g titanium with CZ red green blue gold rose gold Rosery Poetry

Diamond nose ring 16g titanium with CZ $22.9, SHOP NOW.

Septum clickers are rings with a hinged segment that can be opened and shut. Septum clickers are easy to put in and look amazing!

6. Plain Nose Ring or Seamless Hoops

14K gold nose ring hoop seamless ring $89.9, SHOP NOW.

Some rings are just loops of thin metal. And in some cases, plain "hoop" nose rings may have a small gem on the side.

7. Fake Septum Piercing

Big Bear Jewelry 14K gold-filled fake septum piercing rings $16, SHOP NOW.

You can also go with a fake septum piercing if you want to avoid the pain and risks of nose piercings.

Recommended Materials for Septum Piercing Jewelry

Regardless of jewelry type, make sure to choose a high-quality material to avoid infections or adverse reactions. Here are some good materials to choose from:

1. Implant-Grade Titanium

Nose piercing clicker titanium septum ring 16G in gold and silver $22.9, SHOP NOW.

Titanium is an element that is completely hypoallergenic, so it's probably the best material for septum piercings, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Implant-grade titanium is the purest form and will not change or corrode if it's exposed to skin or bodily fluids. Implant-grade titanium septum jewelry is durable, hypoallergenic, lead-free, nickel free, and non-corrosive.

Price Range: About $20-$40.


  • Approved by the Association of Professional Piercers
  • Won't cause allergic reactions
  • Is scratch-resistant and won't fade


  • Not as valuable as gold, silver, or platinum
  • Doesn't sparkle quite as much as other metals

2. 14K/18K Gold

14K gold hoop with an opal pendant dangle earring segment clicker nose ring princess style cute and pretty daith piercing septum piercing Ashley Piercing Jewelry

14K gold hoop with an opal pendant segment clicker nose ring $146.9, SHOP NOW.

If you're looking for a glittering, valuable metal for your septum jewelry, either 14K or 18K gold may be your answer.

It is also one of the best metals for nose rings that are highly recommended not only by piercing experts but also doctors. Its excellent quality of being inert makes it suitable for first piercings.

However, gold is a fairly soft metal, so it doesn't stand up to scratches and excessive wear. Compared to 14K gold, 18K gold is more prone to being affected by everyday use as it is softer and is closer to being pure 24K gold.

Both of these metals include other metal types in order to make them stronger. In order to avoid skin reactions, look for nickel-free metals.

Price Range: About $30-$200.


  • One of the most valuable materials
  • Will not easily tarnish
  • Offers plenty of sparkle
  • Is easy to engrave or use to set stones


  • May contain non-hypoallergenic metals
  • 18K gold in particular is not very scratch-resistant

3. Medical-Grade and Surgical Stainless Steel

Lots of new piercings are done in stainless steel. This material is affordable and typically doesn't cause reactions. However, it contains a small amount of nickel, so if you have a nickel allergy, it might be best to choose something else.

It is incredibly resistant to corrosion and will keep its shine for years.

If you're considering steel, 316L or 316 LVM steel is probably your best choice. Both names stand for the same surgical steel material, but the "VM" stands for"vacuum melt," or the way the steel is produced.

Price Range: About $10-$40.

4. Niobium

Niobium is also one of the best metals for nose rings. It is a highly pure, hypoallergenic metal that's a lot like titanium. However, it is heavier than titanium and more expensive to produce, so it tends to be harder to find in the world of body jewelry.

Price Range: About $20-$60.

When Can I Change My Septum Piercing?

Before you change your jewelry, it's best to wait 6-8 weeks to make sure the initial piercing is healed (and that there are no signs of infection). It takes some people longer to heal than others, so if there's any doubt, check with your piercer or a doctor before deciding to switch to a new piece of jewelry.

How to Blow Your Nose With a Septum Piercing?

If your piercing is new, it's especially important to wash your hands before blowing your nose. That will help minimize the risk of transferring bacteria to the piercing site.

Blowing your nose one nostril at a time will also help keep pressure lower on the site.

Be sure to regularly use a cotton swab to clean the piercing and the piercing site each time. Soaking the cotton ball in saline solution is the best way to do this.

At What Age Can You Get a Septum Piercing?

Generally, at least in the U.S., you must be 18 to get a septum piercing. In some states, if you're under 18, your parents may be able to give written consent for you to get a septum piercing or other body piercing.

Potential Risks of Septum Nose Piercings

Septum piercings are relatively low-risk. As with any piercing, there's some risk of infection, but you can minimize that by seeing a reputable piercer and carefully following aftercare instructions.

1. Rejected Septum Nose Piercing

Signs that your skin is rejecting the piercing include:

  • The jewelry is visible beneath the skin
  • The jewelry moves too freely than it should
  • The piercing hole appears to be larger than usual

If you want to have an easy healing time after a septum nose piercing, avoid playing, rotating, touching, or changing the jewelry. Wait until the wound is completely healed.

Hence, it is always advisable to go to a professional for any body art. It takes about 2-3 months for the piercing to heal fully, after which you can change your jewelry or add more piercings if you wish.

2. Infected Septum Piercing

  • If the infection is mild, you can usually get rid of it by washing the piercing two to three times a day.
  • Use isopropyl alcohol, betadine, diluted hydrogen peroxide, or another antiseptic.
  • Applying antibiotic ointment after washing it.
  • If the infection persists or gets worse, you may want to see a doctor.

3. Why Does My Septum Piercing Smell?

In some cases, your piercing may start to smell. If the smell is accompanied by redness and swelling, the piercing is likely infected, and it's a good idea to see a doctor.

If the swelling is older, smells can develop when sebum (skin oil) and dead skin cells mix together. If this is the case, the piercing just needs to be cleaned more regularly.

4. Septal Hematoma

It's also possible to develop a septal hematoma. This is when the blood vessels around the piercing break, letting blood and fluid accumulate in the septum.

5. Allergy to Nose Jewelry

It's also possible to have an allergic reaction to the metal jewelry used, so make sure you choose surgical steel or another hypoallergenic metal.

Septum Piercing Aftercare

1. How to Take Care of Septum Piercing?

  • Take care to avoid contaminating the piercing.
  • Avoid touching it or applying makeup very close to it.
  • Avoid getting in water that might be dirty.
  • Clean your piercing twice per day using saline solution.
  • And of course, make sure to avoid snagging on clothes or towels, especially delicate linen towels in the bathroom.
  • Don't move the piercing before it heals. Pulling on a piercing early in healing is painful, but it also can get in the way of healing or damage the piercing itself.

2. How to Clean Septum Piercing?

In general, cleaning it at least two times a day with saline solution will work. And of course, make sure your hands are clean before touching your piercing at all.

Your piercer should give you detailed instructions on keeping your piercing clean once the piercing has been placed.

Make sure you start carefully cleaning your piercing as soon as you get it. With attention and regular care, your piercing should heal quickly, and you can enjoy the new addition to your look!

How to Take Out a Septum Piercing?

The exact way to remove a piercing depends on the type.

For a ring, pull gently on either side of the closure until you feel the ring open. Then, pull the ring downward and to the side (following the arc of the circle) until you feel it slip out of the piercing.

Do the same with a curved barbell, but first, be sure to unscrew one of the ends.

How to Hide Septum Piercing?

If you have a curved barbell instead of a ring, you can flip it upward so it's hidden inside your nose.

Alternatively, you can choose a septum retainer. This is an unobtrusive (and often clear) piece that you can place through the piercing. You can then flip it inside your nose so the edges don't show. That way, when you don't want to wear a septum ring, you won't run the risk of your piercing closing up.

That being said, when you first get your septum pierced, it's important to not flip or otherwise move it for 6-8 weeks. Once this initial healing period is over, you can then hide the piercing when needed.

How to Flip Septum Piercing Up?

If you want to be able to flip up a septum piercing, choose a curved barbell (and not a closed ring). If your piercing is already healed, you can simply nudge the piercing until both ends of the barbell are securely inside your nose.

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9 most common types of nose rings, studs and chains with pictures

Nose piercing: Everything that you need to know


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