Chakra stones: What are the 7 chakra crystals and how to use them? Rosery Poetry
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Chakra Stones: What Are the 7 Chakra Crystals and How to Use Them?

Sep 02, 2024

There are several theories about how chakra stones work, but none get accepted as scientific facts. It is believed that these crystals possess healing properties, such as relieving stress and anxiety.

Throughout history, many cultures have used these remarkable stones to improve their well-being.

What Are the 7 Chakra Stones?

Satya Jewelry Divine Alignment Gemstone Chakra Necklace $108, SHOP NOW.

Chakra stones are crystals that are considered able to balance the energy of your 7 chakras and provide spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. The chakra stones correspond to the seven energy centers in the body, including the Root chakra, the Sacral chakra, the Solar plexus chakra, and so on.

Stones frequently used are jasper, carnelian, citrine, quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and amethyst. Typically, chakra stones are known for healing and clarity.

There are different kinds of chakra stones with different healing properties. Make sure to choose the ones that suit you the best. They are most commonly used in crystal healing, although some get generally accepted as having a more practical use. 

If you didn’t know any better, you might think chakra stones are some new-age fad.

But these unique rocks have been used for thousands of years to help people achieve balance and harmony. Many cultures have used these remarkable stones to improve their well-being throughout history.

Chakra Stone Meanings

What do chakra stones do? Chakra stones are extraordinary. You can use them to achieve balance and harmony by putting them in the areas of your body that correspond with your chakras. That way, you can use them to heal yourself.

If you’re unfamiliar, chakras are the energy centers in the human body. They help you to harness and maintain energy. When the chakras are balanced, you can experience more inner peace and joy.

Chakra stones are beneficial for people who are highly stressed or anxious. They’ll help you to reduce anxiety, build self-esteem, and experience more joy in your life.

About the 7 Chakras and Their Functions

The concept of chakra dates back over 2,600 years to Hindu and Buddhist texts. Although about 88,000 chakras have been revealed since then, chakra necklaces often focus on the seven significant chakras that span the spine.

The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body in balance. Each chakra provides a connection to specific organs and feelings.

Chakra 1: Root Chakra

Located at the perineum, the root chakra provides an anchor to the earth. Associated with the color red, the root chakra expresses intensity and inner strength. This chakra links the organs responsible for your body’s physical survival.

Chakra 2: Sacral Chakra

Harnessing creativity, sexuality, and sensuality, the sacral chakra is nestled in the pelvic cradle. It offers a special connection with the sex organs and is represented by the color orange.

Chakra 3: Solar Plexus Chakra

Just above the navel, the solar plexus chakra offers a connection to a person’s emotional center. Represented by vibrant yellow, this chakra is closely connected to self-esteem and joy. Because of its position within the abdomen, it is associated with the digestive organs.

Chakra 4: Heart Chakra

Shimmering green and captivating pink come together to represent the elusive heart chakra. This chakra represents love and rejuvenation. True to its name, the heart chakra is connected with the heart.

Chakra 5: Throat Chakra

Connected with communication, the throat chakra is the doorway to peace and tranquility. Represented by soothing shades of cerulean and turquoise, the throat chakra is closely associated with forgiveness. As indicated by its name, this chakra is linked to the throat.

Chakra 6: Third Eye Chakra

Found between the eyes, the third eye chakra is responsible for intuition and clarity. The third eye chakra is represented with rich indigo hues. Organs responsible for perception like eyes, ears, and mind are governed by the third eye chakra.

Chakra 7: Crown Chakra

Radiant white or majestic violet depicts the ethereal crown chakra. This chakra is located above the head like a crown. Although it is mystically connected with all the other chakras, it offers a special affinity with the brain. The crown chakra helps an individual achieve bliss.

Best Chakra Stones, Meanings, and Colors for Each Chakra

Crystals amplify a chakra necklace’s benefits. Stones frequently are jasper, carnelian, citrine, quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and amethyst. Typically, stones used in chakra necklaces are known for healing and clarity.

Here are a few of the most common stones used for each chakra:

1. Root Chakra Stones: Red

Stones that are red, black, brown, or silver and include grounding properties are a good fit for the root chakra.

  • Black tourmaline: It is well known for its protective properties and strong healing powers. It is especially good for absorbing negative energies.
  • Red (or black) onyx: It has a calming effect on the mind, protecting us from negative thoughts, and making it a source of strength.
  • Hematite: It offers restorative energy and is a stone for grounding, clarity, and detoxifying.
  • Red Jasper: A powerful crystal that's known for its ability to nurture. It can relax you and dissolve negative energy. Additionally, jasper connects deeply with all the chakras, making it incredibly versatile. 
  • Garnet: Protection, healing, love, and prosperity.

2. Sacral Chakra Stones: Orange

Gems with a vibrant orange hue offer the perfect fit for the passionate sacral chakra. 

  • Carnelian: It is known to inspire courage. It can also help you to sharpen your mind and get rid of negative or harmful thoughts and behavior. 
  • Moonstone: It is called "the lover's stone", a gemstone that represents love, evokes emotions and passions inside us, and increases intimacy. 
  • Amber: Courage, happiness, and longevity.
  • Chalcedony: It is able to eliminate depression, fear, hysteria, and other sad emotions. It also helps the wearer to get rid of unnecessary material things that have nothing to do with spirituality, and therefore reduces burdens in the brain.
  • Orange calcite: It is commonly used for its cleansing power.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra Stones: Yellow

Yellow-hued minerals that inspire confidence are often used to represent the solar plexus chakra.

  • Citrine: With its joyful energy, citrine is a natural choice for chakra crystal jewelry.
  • Amber: Its ability to absorb negative energy makes it a popular choice as well.
  • Tiger’s eye: It offers courage, peace, and happiness.
  • Pyrite can help strengthen this chakra.
Citrine ring with peridot Rosery Poetry

Rosery Poetry Citrine ring with peridot $48.9, SHOP NOW.

4. Heart Chakra Stones: Green

While many chakras are represented by a single color, the heart chakra is best illustrated with a fusion of pink and green.

  • Rose quartz: It helps to heal emotional wounds and boosts relationships. It also reinforces self-confidence by encouraging the wearer to accept themselves as they are.
  • Emerald: It is well known for its soothing, relaxing, and spirit-opening powers.
  • Jade: It provides its owner with enhanced clarity, wisdom, and intuition. 

5. Throat Chakra Stones:Turquoise/Light Blue

Located between the green-infused heart chakra and the indigo third eye chakra, the throat chakra is often depicted in tones ranging from turquoise to rich blues.

  • Turquoise: It is able to facilitate communication and reduce the stress of speaking in public. 
  • Blue agate: It strengthens love, helps to improve the relationship between your lover and yourself, and therefore boosts harmony.
  • Sodalite: It deals with impatience, low self-esteem, selfishness, and envy. People who practice spiritualism also use it to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras.
  • Aquamarine: It is a natural fit because of its reputation for courage and facilitating communication.

6. Third-Eye Chakra Stones: Dark Blue/Indigo

Healing blue and powerful purple represent the third eye chakra.

  • Sapphire: It stimulates concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought.
  • Labradorite: It is able to block negative thoughts by providing mental protection and helps to reduce stress and fatigue.
  • Lapis lazuli: It offers soothing effects on nervous or depressed people and promotes communication and free expression.
  • Tanzanite: Besides offering a more dominant purple hue, tanzanite enhances perception.

7. Crown Chakra Stones: Violet or White

Because amethyst is associated with balance, it is a perfect fit for the equilibrium achieved via the crown chakra. 

  • Amethyst: It is associated with balance, it is a perfect fit for the equilibrium achieved via the crown chakra.
  • Clear Quartz: It offers a powerful cleansing effect and intensifies all the other stones used in chakra jewelry.
  • White agate: It harmonizes all the separate chakras.
Rose gold amethyst ring teardrop

Rosery Poetry Rose gold amethyst ring teardrop $65.9, SHOP NOW.

How to Use Chakra Stones?

1. Use Chakra Healing Crystals During Meditation

You may already use meditation as a way to focus and center yourself. But did you know that meditating with chakra crystals can help you fully reap their benefits?

How to Meditate With Chakra Stones?

For general meditation, there is generally no wrong way to do it -- you can even just hold the stone in your hand.

That said, many people like to meditate with mala beads. Mala beads are chakra necklaces made from your chosen crystals. These necklaces usually have 108 beads, as 108 is thought to be a number that represents spiritual completion.

If you don't have a specific meditation you already like to do, focus on visualizing yourself after you've received a chakra crystal's healing benefits!

2. Chakra Placement: One of the Most Prevalent Uses

Chakra healing is one of the most prevalent uses of chakra crystals. One of the simplest and most effective ways to use them this way is to place stones in a line down your body in line with each chakra.

Where to Place Chakra Stones?

Some practitioners recommend specific, more geometric arrangements, but the single chakra line is a good place to start. When meditating this way, envision the healing effects of the stones working on you.

3. Wear Chakra Jewelry Made From Chakra Healing Crystals

Satya Jewelry Wealth in All Things Green Garnet Snake Mala Necklace $229, SHOP NOW.

When you wear your crystals at all times, their healing energies are much more likely to work on you. Some people opt to keep a stone in their pocket. But for many, wearing your most important stones as chakra jewelry is a lot more fun!

Many of the more popular healing stones are made into jewelry by independent jewelry companies. But if you are looking for a very specific or rare crystal, you may need to contact a jewelry shop specializing in the metaphysical.

4. Home Placement & Feng Shui

Lastly, you can also place chakra crystals around your home to experience their energy. Using them this way will help transform the energy of a whole room.

If you're looking for a good first crystal to bring into your home, any of the quartz varieties will work. Their soothing presence is ideal for general living spaces. And since amethyst is excellent for inspiring creativity, try placing it in a music room or garden.

5. During a Yoga Session

If you use yoga as part of your meditation practice, consider adding healing crystals, too. If you only have a couple, you can place one at the head and one at the foot of your mat. If you have more you want to incorporate, arranging them all around your mat is a good idea.

How to Cleanse Chakra Stones?

1. Bury or Soak in Salt

The standard way to cleanse and purify a stone is to use salt. How do we do it?

If you use large grains of salt, then simply put the salt on a plate or dish and then bury the stone within the salt for about 24 hours. Reminder, it can be longer than 24 hours, but not shorter. This is very effective and can last up to 3 months with a single purification, also called 100-day purification.

If we use small grains of salt instead, we need to prepare a liquid in the ratio of 10 grams of kosher salt to 500 grams of water, put the crystal into the liquid, and soak it for 24 hours. Since the small grains of salt are less energetic, you can carry it for about 1 month continuously for one purification.

However, this method can not be applied to certain pieces of gemstone jewelry, such as pendants wrapped with K gold or silver, because the metal will be eroded.

2. Use Clear Water

Crystals and their energy come from nature, so we can also use natural methods to help cleanse the stone.

Place the stone in a flowing stream or river or even tap water and rinse it with water for 20 minutes before drying it. If this is not possible, buy a bottle of mineral water and soak the crystal in it for 24 hours. This helps to remove the negative energy.

3. Smudging

To be honest, this is one of the most commonly used methods. All that we need to do is simply put the crystal in the room and let the smoke of essential oil, sage, or sandalwood ( please remember to use natural essential oil without added chemicals) work the magic.

4. Bury in the Soil

This is the most powerful method. If the crystal has been owned by a sick person, then we strongly recommend using this method. After all, the crystal comes from the earth. Letting it go back to the original place for purification is the best.

Remember though to find an unpolluted place to do so. In addition, it is recommended to bury it for more than a month.

How to Activate Chakra Stones?

1. Place It on a Crystal Cluster

Charging with a crystal cluster is the easiest and most convenient method. The crystal cluster itself has very strong energy. It can not only purify the stone but also charge it. All we need to do is to place the stone on the crystal cluster overnight.

2. Under Sunlight

Place your crystal under sunlight for a few hours so that the most powerful forces of nature can purify and charge your crystal.

But remember, this method does not work with colored stones such as amethyst, citrine, or rose quartz, because these crystals contain elements such as Fe (iron) and Cu (copper), whose colors will fade due to prolonged exposure to the sunshine and high temperatures.

3. In the Moonlight

On the night of the full moon, place the crystals on a windowsill facing the moon. You can also place them outside if it is safe to do so. If needed, cover them with a glass jar or bowl to provide extra protection. Moonlight will charge the crystals overnight.

To Conclude

Because chakras play an important role in regulating the organs of your body, you may find that your health is in better condition when you use chakra stones. 

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Image source: chakra images

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